Tarahumara Mission Hospital opened its doors in 2000 in response to the needs of the 90,000 Tarahumaran Indians living in the Sierra Madre Mountains of Northern Mexico. With the region’s maternal and infant mortality rates being the highest in Mexico and the fifth highest in the world, the Hospital’s founders wanted to provide full-time care in addition to the clinics and community health services they had already started.
Located in Samachique, Chihuahua, Tarahumara Hospital is a 25-bed hospital with outpatient facilities, a dental suite, adult & pediatric wards, a lab, pharmacy, X-ray services, and a modern surgical suite. The hospital is staffed by forty physicians, nurses and support personnel.
Every year an estimated 10,000 patients are treated, 100 infants delivered, 300 operations performed, and the Gospel shared. There is also a very active Community Health Evangelism program (CHE), which works in remote communities delivering healthcare and agricultural assistance, alongside sharing the Gospel.
CHSC healthcare missionaries, Walter Madalinski, Clinical Nurse Specialist, and Adriana Madalinski, RN, will be joining the staff at Tarahumara at the start of 2020.