Clinica Betania is a clinic in Siguatapeque, Honduras, serving a community with about 6,000 inhabitants. It was founded in 2003 as a mercy ministry of Iglesia Bautista Betania when a couple working for MEDA, Clarence and Shirley Mathis, mentioned the level of poverty limiting local access to healthcare. It started in the church basement and now has a 3 story, free-standing building with medical and dental offices, offering a wide variety of standard care.
There are two providers form the United States of America and one national doctor working there along with CHSC Missionary Nurse Practitioner, Amanda Metcalf.
There are currently no long-term housing accommodations at this site, but some accommodations may be made for short-term volunteers depending on availability.
Current Staff Needs:
Short- and Long-term positions available.
- Ultrasound Technician
- Laboratory Technician