Christian Health Service Corps
Stories from the Field
Wondering what it is like to serve as a career global health professional with Christian Health Service Corps?
A Normal Life is a Week in the Life of A CHSC Family Serving at Kalukembe hospital in Angola.
Viewer Discretion is Advised – maternal and child death are common challenges we face.
Ukraine update: What is it like?
The war has continued for nearly two years now. While I understand why it is not ongoing front and center news all over the world, we in Ukraine are not…
Multiplying Our Efforts – Training Pediatric Surgeons in Kenya
Replace Text or Delete CHSC Pediatric Surgeon Britney Grayson is part of a growing effort to train the next generation of African surgeons at Kijabe Hospital, Kenya. Story by Carter…
“How long, O Lord?” – Finding Hope in Ukraine
CHSC Physical Therapist Carrie Moss and her colleagues at Agape Rehabilitation Center continue to serve those with spinal cord injuries, disabilities, and refugees from the war in Ukraine. I know…
Answering God’s Call at Mukinge Mission Hospital
Images by David Uttley, Story by Carter Mize It may feel like a “tug on the heart,”or a “still, small voice” in the mind, or maybe even an overwhelming shout…
Preventing Cholera in Malawi
CHSC family medicine doctor Christina Miller frequently offers community health education in Malawian communities on a variety of health topics, including cholera prevention – a serious task in the east…
Thirty years in Saboba
Longtime CHSC staff Bob and Dr. Jean Young are celebrating their 30th year serving in Saboba, Ghana! Dr. Jean Young has provided surgeries for thousands of children, mothers and adults…