Medical Missions 101

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Welcome to Medical Missions 101

Medical Missions 101 is an online community dedicated to educating, encouraging and engaging those who share our passion for medical missions. As a community we are pursuing best evidence based practice in medical missions and global health; we invite you to join us. New content is added each week! If you find our content helpful, please share it!

Medical Missions

Childhood Malnutrition: Community-Based Care and Support – Part 1

There is no greater challenge to child survival in the developing world than malnutrition. Managing malnutrition is outside the realm of normal practice for healthcare professionals trained in western countries. As such, it needs to be something health professionals planning to work in the developing world context need to review regularly.  

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Medical Missions 101 Live

Do you share our passion for medical missions?
Then Check Out Our New YouTube Channel

This channel was created to tell the story of medical missions, health programs, mission hospitals, and the missionaries who serve in them.  Each week we will upload new episodes from the field and from here at home as we interview mission leaders facilitating health programs and medical missions around the world.

When Healthcare Hurts

2nd Edition

When Healthcare Hurts is an evidence-based, critical look at the potential promise and perils of global health initiatives. Greg Seager, Founder and CEO of Christian Health Service Corps, asks thought-provoking questions about global health projects that can illuminate areas of needed improvement and uncover some of our own harmful biases. Mr. Seager draws from scholarly research, WHO, UNICEF, and other authoritative sources to compose six best practice guidelines in global health. The combination of real-world case studies and the author’s wealth of experience makes this book a must-read for anyone serving in short or long-term global health initiatives.

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When Healthcare Hurts

Contact a Recruiter

Recruiter form

Preliminary Application for Missionary Service

This application is step one in making application to Christian Health Service Corps as a long-term medical or support staff missionary. If you are interested in serving for less than three years, please see the CHSC Reserve Corps Application.

Preliminary Application for Missionary Service

Faith Questions

Christian Health Service Corps is an interdenominational Christian mission that holds the Apostles' Creed as our Christian Statement of Faith. The key qualification for missionary service is being a true disciple of Jesus.  

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Reserve Corps Application

Our Reserve Corps program allows healthcare professionals seeking to volunteer short-term to do so in a way that supports long-term Christian medical missions work. CHSC places healthcare professionals in a growing list of Christian hospitals across Africa, Asia, Latin America and other regions. Christian Health Service Corps works to improve access to primary healthcare, surgical services, and community-based disease prevention services. Non-Christian volunteers are accepted on a case by case basis but solely at the discretion of the hospital and CHSC team the volunteer will be supporting.

Reserve Corps Application

Faith Questions

The Christian Healthcare Services Corps (CHSC) is a non-profit organization that provides healthcare services to underserved communities worldwide. Our mission is to bring Christ-centered, compassionate care where needed most, and we deploy Christian healthcare professional staff and volunteers to our Christian-based partners. We appreciate your interest in working with our organization and providing your specialties to the less fortunate.

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