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Who We Are

Caitlin Dahmer

About Caitlin Dahmer

Caitlin is a Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM) who is honored to begin serving at Hospital Mision Tarahumara in the northern Sierra Madre mountains of Mexico. Tarahumara women have one of the world’s highest rates of maternal and infant mortality. They live in remote villages dispersed across the Copper Canyon region of Chihuahua and their lives are shaped by tremendous need and lack of resources. Caitlin feels God has been preparing and leading her specifically to this location for years.
She first sensed God’s call while in nursing school at Calvin College. She went on to complete her graduate studies at the University of Michigan to become a nurse midwife. After graduation, the Lord led her to work at Lawndale Christian Health Center, where she has been faithfully serving the impoverished neighborhoods of Chicago’s west side for five years.
Now as she looks to transition to Hospital Mision Tarahumara, she is excited to build relationships, invest, serve, and do her part in bringing about God’s Kingdom to an indigenous people that do not know the Lord. She hopes that through her partnership with this hospital and Christian Health Service Corps, the Tarahumara people will come to know the saving grace and steadfast love of our Lord Jesus Christ both individually and eventually as a community.

Donations can be sent by mail to: Christian Health Service Corps PO Box 132 Fruitvale, TX 75127
Write “Missionary 181” in the note of the check.
Samachique, Chihuahua, Mexico
Certified Nurse Midwife
Hospital Mision Tarahumara

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When Healthcare Hurts

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Recruiter form

Preliminary Application for Missionary Service

This application is step one in making application to Christian Health Service Corps as a long-term medical or support staff missionary. If you are interested in serving for less than three years, please see the CHSC Reserve Corps Application.

Preliminary Application for Missionary Service

Faith Questions

Christian Health Service Corps is an interdenominational Christian mission that holds the Apostles' Creed as our Christian Statement of Faith. The key qualification for missionary service is being a true disciple of Jesus.Ā Ā 

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Reserve Corps Application

Our Reserve Corps program allows healthcare professionals seeking to volunteer short-term to do so in a way that supports long-term Christian medical missions work. CHSC places healthcare professionals in a growing list of Christian hospitals across Africa, Asia, Latin America and other regions. Christian Health Service Corps works to improve access to primary healthcare, surgical services, and community-based disease prevention services. Non-Christian volunteers are accepted on a case by case basis but solely at the discretion of the hospital and CHSC team the volunteer will be supporting.

Reserve Corps Application

Faith Questions

The Christian Healthcare Services Corps (CHSC) is a non-profit organization that provides healthcare services to underserved communities worldwide.Ā Our mission is to bringĀ Christ-centered, compassionate care where needed most, andĀ we deploy Christian healthcare professional staff and volunteers to our Christian-based partners. We appreciate your interest in working with our organization and providing your specialties to the less fortunate.

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